20th Annual Adventure!
Blue River to Leaburg
Saturday • August xx, 20xx
$30 covers Raft, Life Vest, Cold Ice Chest & Piece of Pizza
B.Y.O. Drink (*No Glass*), Food, Sunscreen, Long Sleeve Shirt, etc.
Camping at Kelly's or Corey's Friday Night is Recommended.
This trip is open to friends of Kelly and friends of friends...
Contact Captain Thrillseeker (Kelly) A.S.A.P. at
(541) 746-4444 ext. 4 (2 to 11 p.m.) leave a message to reserve raft space
First to RSVP will fill the available raft spaces!
An RSVP will give you no more than seven days to pay.
All seats must be paid for by 6 p.m., August 19th.
If available, your eighth seat is free if we receive money for seven seats by 4pm August 5th.
To RSVP, leave a message specifying the number of seats and a promise to purchase.
You will be expected to pay for any seats reserved unless we sell them for you.