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U-Pick September News: FLOWERS and Hazelnuts, Pears, Asian Pears, Aronia Berries, Apples, Bay Leaves, Rosemary and Blackberries happening now.

Plums pretty much over [EDIT: Lots of Plumbs still good if you like them sweet or plan to make prunes]. There may be a few Walnuts coming soon. There are some trees you can find by the usual “treasure hunt” method. You would need a customer-service appointment to access some of the Pears and Asian Pears and Apples. Everything can be paid by cash or check in the money box at the “Farm Check In” or in the “shop” here on this website using credit cards or PayPal.

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Big Bubbler, The Mind Blowers and Wet Rock Gardens had a great time at the Realms Unknown festival last weekend!

We all had a great time bubbling and flowering the Realms Unknown festival last weekend. We hope to see pictures soon on Facebook (some links below). If you are here to see the cool products we sell, you can click on the “Shop” above or here:

We do not yet have bubble wands or mix for sale online, but we do hope to get some wands up soon, so please check back if those interest you 🙂

If you want to share photos or videos or for anyone trying to contact the bubblers or Wet Rock Gardens flower farm or … Facebook is probably the easiest way, so here are some links:

Big Bubbler

Wet Rock Gardens

R. Kelly O’Neill

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Blackberries and Plums Ripe Now

Italian Plums and Blackberries in full swing now. Blackberries are everywhere with a nice patch of big fat thornless ones about 30 paces East and 12 paces North from the Farm Check In. The main Plum Patch is about 25 paces North from the Farm Check In. Trays for measuring your purchase should be under a tree there.

We sell Blackberries by the measuring-cup full. and we sell Plumbs by the “trayful”

You Can buy most Anything we sell here on this website with a credit card or Paypal… in the “shop”

Not Sue’s Number Anymore XXXXXXXXXXXXXX