Vase or Container for Cut-Flowers


Vases or other containers for flowers or … Usually “used” and may be imperfect.

SKU: N/A Category:


You can buy a vase for pick-up at the farm or to add to a flower-delivery order. What vases we have available varies over time. Big bouquets do not fit in small vases unless you want to order multiple vases and have the flowers divided into them all. You can discuss the options with farm staff before ordering OR we should be able to make it work without further communication if you order:

A small bouquet with a $5 or better vase, a medium bouquet with a $10 or better vase or a large bouquet with a $15 or better vase. If you order a more expensive vase than your flowers require, you may get something (or somethings) unexpected as we work to provide you your “money’s worth” from our stock-on-hand :-). If you want to avoid surprises, please discuss more expensive vase options with farm staff in advance. For the various “Extra-Large (Bucket Sized)” bouquets you can choose $5 (for a used bucket), $10 (to get a “Blue-SkyAndClouds” painted bucket) OR discuss other options with farm staff.

To pay for a flower delivery, please open the link below (in a new window or tab?) to add one to your “cart”. Please do not pay for a flower delivery unless you have already scheduled the delivery with farm staff. To have a “card” added to the delivery, please discuss that with the staff when scheduling your flower delivery.